Monday, March 11, 2024

Latest Update From Embassy Haiti: Still Evacuating Non-Essential Staff

At 3PM Eastern time the embassy website posted this update: U.S. military conducts operation to augment security of the U.S. Embassy in Haiti 
At the request of the Department of State, the U.S. military conducted an operation to augment the security of the U.S. Embassy at Port-au-Prince, allow our Embassy mission operations to continue, and enable non-essential personnel to depart.
This airlift of personnel into and out of the Embassy is consistent with our standard practice for Embassy security augmentation worldwide, and no Haitians were on board the military aircraft.
Our Embassy remains focused on advancing U.S. government efforts to support the Haitian people, including mobilizing support for the Haitian National Police, expediting the deployment of the United Nations-authorized Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission, and accelerating a peaceful transition of power via free and fair elections.
As announced in September 2023, the Department of Defense is postured to provide robust enabling support for the MSS, including planning assistance, information sharing, airlift, communications, and medical support.
Haitians please note that "no Haitians were on board," meaning, we are not taking sides in your local conflict. 

U.S. voters please note that "our Embassy remains focused on a laundry list of highly unlikely, not to say laughable, ways to fix Haiti." Anyway, that's my free interpretation of the third para in that update. 

Meanwhile, I'm sticking with my favorable impression of Jimmy 'Barbecue' Chérizier. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.



  1. Send in the Clinton's or a couple of NGO's.

  2. If there is a multi-national intervention (which is no more than 50-50 odds, I think) the NGOs will swarm behind. And maybe Hillary's no-good brother Hugh Rodham still has the license to operate an actual gold mine in Haiti, which is something he picked up the last time organized compassion flowed to that terrible place.

    There's lots of money in poverty, at least if you're connected.

  3. When the Kenyans say they'll go in if there's a government in place until then no, that's embarrassing.

  4. Kenya might drop out anyway due to a legal challenge that's going on there. Even if they go, what good would 1,000 foreign police do on an island of 9 million souls that have never been much interested in law'N order in the first place?

    The only potential solutions have to be inherent to Haiti as it really is, i.e., to the organized gangs, not to some fantasy of Jeffersonian Democracy.

    Let Barbecue and the Cannibals - a great rock group name! - control the place if they want it.
