Sunday, April 14, 2024

NYT Election Poll Has No Good News For Biden

It's been an interesting news day on the domestic front, with The New York Times publishing a poll it did with Sienna College on the upcoming election. Biden's staffers will not be happy. 

Since the NYT put its story about the poll behind a pay wall, here's the Daily Mail story, which is free, the way nature intended the internet to work.

The barebones polling results are at: April 2024 Toplines NYT Sienna College Poll of Registered Voters Nationwide

The biggest bucket of cold water for Biden comes from the results for these two questions:
Who did you vote for in the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
Donald Trump - 36%
Joe Biden - 43%
If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were [Biden and Trump]:
Donald Trump - 46%
Joe Biden - 45%
Well, well, well. An interesting number of Biden voters from 2020 say they will vote for Trump this time. 

Those poll results are without including voters who only 'lean' one way of the other, and without considering election scenarios with third and fourth party candidates. Both of those contingencies favor Trump over Biden more strongly. 

Looking at the Daily Mail's story, it seems the key reason for those results is the much larger number of voters who remember the Trump years as "mostly good" (42%) versus Biden's years (25%).  

C'mon Man!© Stop the malarkey and make this election a contest!


  1. I am heartbroken hearing this, just don't!

  2. Oh, the second Trumpening won't be all that bad. Just concentrate on the fact that gas cost under $2 a gallon the last year he was in office. Sweet!

    Plus, interest rates were zero (!), the stock market was great, and he kept a tight leash on Putin - blocking that Nord Stream II pipeline - and Iran.

  3. What?? Sarcasm makes the world go 'round. Please don't stop!

  4. They've been having a real good time in NYC!

  5. They called it Fun City when I was growing up nearby. *I* didn't call it that, certainly not in the Pre-Koch days of chaos, but there are some who like it there.

    To balance out my negativity, I'll admit NYC has an excellent public library.
