Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Today's Polling From Blue New Hampshire, Independents Swing From Biden to Trump

It's still a long way to November, but polling results like this must be causing grief in the Biden campaign. 

Combine that with the polling averages and generic ballot questions which also favor Trump, and it's not looking good for Biden. 

C'mon Man!©, you'd better pull a rabbit out of your hat at that debate you wanted. 


  1. Something is happening, Democrats are really going have to cheat

  2. It's looking seriously bad for Biden. No one even comments anymore when he tells old lies for the hundredth time about being admitted to the Naval Academy, etc., etc., etc., much less when he walks about on stage trying to shake hands with imaginary people until his wife leads him to the stairs.

    This is an election for the record books.
