Thursday, May 16, 2024

U.S. Capitol Police: Apparently This Happened Right Under Our Noses

At least this time the Capitol Cops didn't leave a pistol in a men's room or get seen reading The Protocols of the Elders of Zion while manning an access control post. 

But it's still pretty embarrassing to stumble across a baggie of cocaine in a work area, even if "the area is heavily trafficked by various contractors and employees" and is also near where they process prisoners.

Who knows how these things happen, the USCP press release seems to be pleading. 

Possibly some drug testing of those various contractors and employees is in order, but far be it from me to tell the Capitol Cops how to handle embarrassing news.   


  1. Sure happens a lot these days.

  2. Cocaine in the White House, and at the same time Hunter Biden is about to go on trial. As some Englishman once wrote, 'Cometh the Moment, Cometh the Man.'
