Thursday, August 15, 2024

Harry Dunn Sequel Finally Gets Close to Show Time

That goofy kid cracks me up, but - seriously - don't lend him your car.

Well, a judge in Texas has now certified that Agent Double O Aspergers can be extradited to the UK. That sends the matter to the executive phase of extradition, and to the final decision of the SecState. 

Assuming Blinken agrees to extradite, there will be a trial date set in the UK, and if we have learned anything from following this story, it is that the UK takes a very long time to process this stuff. 

I'll skip ahead a bit and just assume that our hapless driver will be convicted. Upon that, I expect attention to shift to the international prisoner transfer program which creates the possibility that our International Man of Mystery could be sent back here to serve his UK-imposed sentence in a U.S. prison. 

I'll further predict that Team Harry Dunn will work with the few crumbs of speculation and misreporting that it has to insist that this sad sack is actually a master spy, and that he was at the center of some monstrous U.S. plot to do something unimaginably sinister when he caused a car crash last year. 

They'll have fun with that although, frankly, it will be a big, big, step down from their glory days of White House visits and media attention from years past. 

It's a sequel, after all, and those usually disappoint the audience.


  1. Only if you get news about the case from the Harry Dunn family's absurd 'advisor.' He's grasping at straws, such as calling this Texas National Guardsman an "intelligence soldier." And, since Calderon was arrested while on his two-week annual drill at Ft. Sam Houston, that proves the U.S. Embassy in London lied by describing his status as that of a private citizen who was in the UK on a work visa (which in fact he was) He's after anything that gooses this case of a simple traffic accident into the realm of espionage. It's his thing. He's been jonesing for media attention like he got five years ago when an embassy wife had a fatal traffic accident with a local teenager. I don't think the Calderon case will pan out for him.

  2. Skep I think you're pulling my leg!!

  3. Calderon's mentor,

  4. Oh, he'd be doing well if the Pink Panther was his mentor!
