The rebel leader has just issued an inspiring Communique Number One over Libyan radio:
"People of Libya! In response to your own will, fulfilling your most heartfelt wishes, answering your incessant demands for change and regeneration and your longing to strive towards these ends; listening to your incitement to rebel, your armed forces have undertaken the overthrow of the reactionary and corrupt regime, the stench of which has sickened and horrified us all." -- 1 September 1969.
H/T to Opinio Juris, where you can find the full text of Qaddafi's first communique.
Years from now, someone will probably be ransacking National Transitional Council Chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil's compound and taking his gold-plated AKs as souvenirs.
TSB: With the Marines now under female command you knew it was only a matter of time before farting would be banned in the workplace. Obama is considering backing both sides of this controversy with a new DADT policy. I'm SKEPTICAL! gwb
Everybody hates having a female boss.
That's true! And I hear not farting is KEY on the Bass Fishing Team.. scares the fish! Keep us up to date on that cyclone TSB! gwb
TSB: Libyan Killed In N. Waziristan
Was Former #3. How many times have we killed this guy? gwb
TSB! Qaddafi vacationing with Mugabe in Zimbabwe! gwb
I don't give that Zimbabwe report much credit. The media has reported seeing Col. Q. in Algiers and other places, as well. Personally, I'd rather be killed in Libya than spend the rest of my live in Zimbabwe.
It will be interesting to find out what NATO knew and when. Evidently they started pounding the Sirte airport the last few days. I wonder if they found out a plane had left there and headed south? And I wonder if he took the Lockerbie bomber with him? gwb
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