As I wait for the New Year's ball to drop in Times Square, I see the Associated Press has some good news to end the year on, US Ups Extremist Fight in Pakistan:
The U.S. has created a new unit in Pakistan that aims to leverage such grassroots efforts by working with local moderates to counter violent extremism — the first of its kind set up by an American embassy anywhere in the world, according to U.S. officials here. The existence of the unit has never before been reported.
[Fazal ur Rehman, a cleric who conducts madrasa lectures aimed at countering violent extremism] and other clerics attempting to challenge extremism in Pakistan recently met with U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter in Islamabad, though the 50-year-old Rehman says he has not yet received support from the Americans.
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The U.S. chose Pakistan as the site for its new venture because it is home to a vast network of Islamist militants who have been fighting U.S.-led troops in neighboring Afghanistan for over a decade and have even organized attacks on American soil.
The three-person unit in the U.S. Embassy public affairs section was established in July. It plans to work with local partners, including moderate religious leaders, to project their counter-extremist messages and push back against the militants' extensive propaganda machine, said U.S. officials.
It will use TV shows, documentaries, radio programs and posters. It also intends to ramp up exchange programs for religious leaders and public outreach to conservative Muslims who previously had little contact with American officials.
"There are a lot of courageous voices speaking out against extremism here in Pakistan," said Tom Miller, head of public affairs at the U.S. Embassy. "Our job is to find out how we can amplify those narratives."
The unit is just now ramping up operations, said officials. It was funded with an initial budget of $5 million that officials hope will grow. Officials declined to provide details on specific programs they are funding or plan to fund, for fear that publicly acknowledging U.S. involvement would discredit their partners.
That's a major worry in this country where anti-American sentiment is rampant. Any cleric known to be taking U.S. help is likely to be shunned by many. There are other challenges as well. Many among clerics and the public who are considered moderates have mixed views — they often oppose the killing of innocent civilians in Pakistan, but support jihad against U.S. forces in Afghanistan or against neighboring India.
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The ambassador's visit to the 900-student Jaamia Salafia was unusual because the madrasa teaches a puritanical strain of Islam followed by some Pakistani militant organizations, including Lashkar-e-Taiba, although Zafar said he does not support the group.
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"They might disagree with how the U.S. is conducting some aspects of its foreign policy, but there is a huge opportunity to partner with these groups because of the mutual goal of stopping the Taliban," said Mehreen Farooq, who recently studied grassroots counter-extremism efforts in Pakistan for the U.S.-based World Organization for Resource Development and Education.
The most intensive component of the new U.S. initiative will be a media campaign focused on raising awareness about civilians harmed by militant attacks, said Miller, the embassy public affairs chief.
"We are trying to discredit these acts and take away the narrative that the militants are some kind of ideological heroes," said Miller.
Surveys have shown that despite varying levels of support for militant groups within Pakistan, a majority of citizens oppose attacks that target civilians. Militants in Pakistan often deny responsibility for civilian casualties.
This is intelligent strategic messaging. If drawing attention to the deaths of innocent (Muslim) victims is a tactic that will reduce public support for Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban, then, by all means, let's support Pakistani clerics like Rehman and "amplify those narratives." We need not agree with them on anything else.
May 2012 be a better year for our relations with Pakistan.
Very intelligent indeed! Separately, I would announce that the US would: 1. no longer attack anyone inside Pakistan. 2. Make compensation payments to all non-combatants killed in Pakistan by the US (validity determined independently) using the 9/11 victims fund model. 3.Take that money out of Afghan war $$$ already appropriated. gwb
The killing of Pakistanis, military or civilian, accidentally or otherwise, by U.S. firepower poisons the whole political atmosphere over there. We probably create more enemies then we kill, but that's the short-sighted way the USG rolls now.
General McCrystal saw the value in holding your fire in this situation, but he wasn't around for long. It's too bad he lacked verbal fire discipline when it came to that Rolling Stone interviewer.
won't work, it's Khorasan prophecy that's at issue & already in play, thus it's now linked to not just getting out of Pakistan, but getting out of region, both Central Asia & Arabia. Best can be done in Pak. is to deal with the corruption (not theology)side, & find a way to get rid of ISI.
Thanks for your comment. Assuming a Khorasan prophecy has to do with a resurrected greater Iran, I'm not sure that idea has much political appeal in Pakistan.
Nor do I think it has much theological appeal, since many Pakistanis - maybe most of them - follow a Sufist version of Islam and are not inclined to extremism. The popular impression of Pakistani Muslims as all über-extremist Al Qaeda types is inaccurate, fortunately.
However, if you have any ideas for how we could get rid of corruption and/or the ISI, please share them.
Iraqis Celebrate being Free of US Troops, Fear US Meddling
Posted on 01/01/2012 by Juan
TSB: I wonder if this might become a 2012 theme that spreads? Yesterday Juan
contrasted Iraq 1991,2003 with our inability to influence events in Syria today. gwb
You're welcome. Khorasan prophecy would refer more immediately to Afghanistan & Central Asia(thus the Pakistan significance), though yes, after those areas (& India according to lesser prophecy ISI & military are fond of), the march goes towards Jerusalem. It's standard Islam, pretty much all Muslims that know anything of sunnah believe it, the transnationalist jihadis just see the time as now. I did not realize it was popular impression that Pakistani Muslims are all or even mostly AQ types, that's news to me. thx - Anon#2
I hope we've learned something about the limits of intervention since 2003. Well, I can hope.
TSB: What would you do about Syria? It looks like the Arab League is about to take their ball and go home. Do we have a policy?
Thanks! gwb
GWB: I assume we have a policy, nevertheless, I don't think there is much we can do to influence events in Syria. I don't agree with liberal imperialism (AKA democracy-spreading, nation-building, Wilsonianism, etc.), so I think it's best that we stay out and offer to help the local and regional parties resolve their conflicts, if they want us to.
I agree! gwb
I think you are on to something TSB: Look who is replacing the Ambassador to Afghanistan!(Or at least bucking him up a bit!)
Thanks! I wonder how many Afghani kids watch Sesame Street? Maybe we're bringing it over there as part of a counter-extremism strategy.
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