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de minimis non curat
lex, the law cares not for small things?
“Maryland Lawmaker Charged With Indecent Exposure” - CBS-DC
A Maryland lawmaker, 38-year-old Montgomery County Delegate Ariana Kelly, has been charged with indecent exposure and trespassing.
In an explanation of the incident in the summary of charges, an Officer J. Herman writes that a cell phone video taken by Kelly’s ex-husband shows her repeatedly ringing the doorbell and exposing her breasts.
Kelly’s lawyer, Luis Simmons, said Tuesday night that Kelly will aggressively contest the charges, which he says are "quite de minimis.”
TSB: This will be reduced to a $50 'Miss d Meaner'after the judge hears the backstory. Turns out the guy had begged her not to leave him. gwb
TSB: Then again, somebody else might have been 'demaximus'! gwb
The whole incident is a tragic sad story, but her lawyer cracks me up. I think he's a former MD legislator, so maybe a political ally (?) who volunteered to help her out because she plans to run for higher office. She needs a serious lawyer who can get that cell phone video evidence suppressed forever.
TSB: I agree that her lawyer might be hilariously out of his element but women acting out emotionally and manipulatively is one of mankind's most effective tools. My next door neighbor does the same thing and though the older neighbors disapprove of seeing her throw her clothes out on the lawn to keep her husband from going to the liquor store he just ignores her and drives away.
Nobody would ever call the cops because we all know she's crazy and he's doing the best he can.
In 'these parts' women frequently get beat up by their meth addled husbands and then plead guilty to assault. She get's a one day sentence whereas he would have gotten a year. Avoiding bloodshed is always the right move in a case like this. As for politicians Hillary is well known for throwing stuff, yelling and screaming and getting someone else to destroy the other woman and Chelsea already exhibits
'some tendencies' (bullying male bigshots at work) I forgot now... WHAT WAS THE QUESTION?? gwb
TSB: Here is one for ya! LOS ANGELES (AP) - An elevated section of Interstate 10 collapsed Sunday amid heavy rains in the California desert, injuring one driver, stranding many others, and halting travel for thousands by cutting off both directions of a main corridor between Southern California and Arizona.erstate 10 is closed completely and indefinitely," said Terri Kasinga, spokeswoman for the California Department of Transportation.
Read more: http://www.kptv.com/story/29580848/california-freeway-bridge-collapses-blocking-ariz-traffic#ixzz3gQ0iPWOf
TSB: Now we'll get some great 'eyebrow raisers' for those 'beltway boys' who thought they had safe seats and federal employees who spend a lot of work time online! gwb It is time to 'GO LONG DIVORCE LAWYERS!' This is 'De Maximus'!
TSB: I wonder if I could get my wife to do this at a Hillary Clinton
campaign event? She just gets 'steamy' whenever Hillary is mentioned.
TSB: Do you know how I can get my therapist to
destroy my records? gwb
The Obama administration wants to make sure that seniors on Social Security are mentally sound before they are allowed to purchase a gun, according to a new report from the Los Angeles Times.
GWB: I'd never heard of that Ashley Madison website before, but I bet it won't have much effect in DC, where everyone's indiscretions are already known to the Chinese. What's a little more hacking at this point?
TSB: Jimmy Buffet is one of my musical heroes. And Johnny Depp is my wife's favorite actor. As another one of my heroes I'm looking forward to your great success in your new venture! gwb
Buffett, Johnny Depp Snap Up "Cheap" Greek Islands
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX9esXzzO7w (Son of Son of a Sailor)
The Chinese are very busy these days, hacking, building islands, running laundrymats, and wiping out power bases of former government officials: http://www.voanews.com/content/ap-former-chinese-presidents-top-aide-face-corruption-trial/2870827.html
James:That guy is just like Joe Biden! And speaking of hacking you better check out your golf cart and your Jeep Cherokee cause you could end up in a water hazard! gwb
TSB: Trump Takes Revenge On Lindsey Graham By Giving Out Senator’s Private Cell Phone Number
July 21, 2015 1:20 PM
If I had a phone I'd be scared to call him but I love it that a lot of people will. These 'so called debates' are going to be fun! The Des Moines Register is calling on Trump to drop out! What are they worried about? Can't they just throw out a bunch of Trump caucus votes like they did with Ron Paul? Poor Lindsey might not even make the cut. gwb
TSB: Re: Police: Chemicals at federal lab explosion consistent with meth making. That should take the heat of the Secret Service for a while. Speaking of explosions, I got the notice today from Toyota that I have been driving for 8 years with exploding air bags. You should have seen my wife's reaction to that! They will even come and pick up the car for you if you are scared to drive it the 2 miles to the dealership! I love their free carwashes when you get service so I'll wait til it's dirty. gwb
TSB: 2 Weeks! ?? If they put me in a Cessna I could have located that $21 million dollar puppy in 3 or 4 hours from Kuwait, landed and hired a truck to haul it back to the border. (Of course I would need a few placards and some cash. Like, take me to your leader, how much for truck and driver to Kuwait? How about $5000? You are very kind!)
The (government) meth lab - if that's what it turns out to have been - will merit a hearing or two, for sure. That's unusual even by DC standards.
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