Friday, October 28, 2016

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

Could be a record number of citations for one moving violation

"Woman accused of hitting patrol car while taking nude Snapchat for boyfriend" - NBC 12 Bryan, Texas

Bryan Police said Miranda Kay Rader, 19, was sending nude photos to her boyfriend through the social media app Snapchat on the 2500 block of E. Villa Maria. According to the officer whose car Rader hit, Rader was attempting to put on a black blouse when the officer approached her. The officer said Rader also had an open bottle of wine in her center console cup holder.


  1. TSB: This is "Fan Tastic" !! Aggie fans (like me) are all temporarily insane, which is the perfect defense for this little cutie. Are any on scene photos available?? gwb

  2. I'm pretty sure she was covered back up right away. But that makes we wonder about the whole issue of police body cams and citizen privacy. What do they do to ensure that video doesn't end up on the net?
