Friday, October 28, 2016

The Further Adventures of Carlos Danger

From the New York Times, New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Devices Once Used by Anthony Weiner:
WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the thousands — potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.
So there we are. It is pure Greek tragedy, all about fate and character. Two women fated to tragedy by two men who won’t keep their dicks in their pants.


  1. TSB: Of course nobody knows exactly what is in play here so I have been scratching my head to come up with a theory. I think 'Carlos' was trying to blackmail the Clinton Foundation into giving him a job (under an assumed name) with emails he stole off Huma's phone.

    Or maybe Huma caught him carrying on with the 15 yo and threw a fit. Carlos countered with: "North Carolina is a nice little state for Hillary. Sherwood be a shame if something happened to it!" gwpunintended

  2. We'll find out eventually. Meanwhile, it's fascinating and appalling like watching a slow-motion train wreck.

  3. TSB: I told you Max and Stacy would be on top of this bizarre election. Here they are arriving on the same plane with Eric Holder and, of course, interviewing him! gwb

  4. TSB:
    Even if Hillary wins, she and her party have no ideology except criminality and coercion.
    Nemesis is a strange creature indeed.

  5. TSB: Watching Virginia leading #4 Louisville 25-24 in 4th quarter, oops, now trailing...the conclusion of the Eric Holder interview at Reagan Airport is really great! After denying all the facts Eric is finally joined by a black friend and hurries off into the sunset totally shredded by Max and Stacy! Truly the greatest Max Keiser Report of this election cycle.. also covering Obamacare, Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank and Big Pharma. gwb

    Keiser Report: Encountering Eric Holder (E986)

  6. James: Next week is shaping up to be the best week of the best election year ever! WikiLeaks is promising a knock-out blow against Hillary, the FBI in New York (and the highly ambitious U.S. Attorney there) will battle the (highly political) FBI Washington HQ and Director Comey for control of the Weiner DickiLeaks story, Trump will barnstorm the battleground states and the airwaves, and Hillary's people will probably drop their last bomb on Trump. We'll miss this when it's over.

  7. Skep,
    " highly ambitious U.S. Attorney there" is that Preet Bharara?

  8. James, TSB: I found the Hillary Rally today in Daytona story on The Daily Mail and watched Bill Clinton's very long winded rally in Columbus, Ohio to a very sleepy group of black people. Pretty low energy for Hillary and the 900 people who turned out. NEXT WEEK WILL INDEED BE GREAT FUN!!

  9. James: Oh, yes, Preet Bharara. He'll carefully consider on which side his bread is buttered before he acts. A Democratic cabinet appointment would be worthless if a Republican Senate refuses to confirm. Should he run for office himself? Get re-appointed U.S. Attorney for Manhattan? What will be his play?

  10. Skep, Check your memory: a song for Hillary.

  11. TSB:James: How great is it to see Hillary snared by 'metadata used by the cops without a warrent'? gwb

    As reported yesterday, it appears that there are potentially tens of thousands of Abedin linked emails on Weiner's computer:

    In their initial review of the laptop, the metadata showed many messages, apparently in the thousands, that were either sent to or from the private email server at Mrs. Clinton’s home that had been the focus of so much investigative effort for the FBI. Senior FBI officials decided to let the Weiner investigators proceed with a closer examination of the metadata on the computer, and report back to them.

  12. James: I fully expect there will be talking. And lawyers, and deals, and maybe spousal immunity.

  13. TSB: James: Besides putting the Podesta Bros longtime friend and attorney in charge of the Hillary Re-investigation today I thought the best new theory is that this all happened because the 'shadow government', meaning the un-elected people who actually run the country have decided Hillary is such damaged goods now that she has no chance of carrying out their agenda if elected.

    That being so, Comey got the message to write that letter on Thursday night to congressional leaders. (Comey has known about this stuff for weeks so he obediently did what he was told as usual.) If this theory is correct we will see more damaging blows later this week that will sink the 'Good Ship Hillary'and make Rachel Maddow cry on tv again.

    The Clinton Collapse - Only The Deep State Is So Precise Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog (Who I secretely suspect is JAMES!!) gwb

  14. IMO the most likely reason was the Wieners had e-mail sharing across all devices within the "family". Common arrangement, and it's an open question if Carlos had Huma's password to look at her mail.

    Surreality check: Are we are supposed to vote for Trump because we can't tolerate someone cashing in on celebrity or because we can't tolerate a lying?


  15. gwb,
    I really don't know. I suspect that when Hillary and her "group" took control of team Clinton, it became through their incompetency and laxness (due to their getting away with things for so long), a lot more fragile and vulnerable than they think or can admit.
    No, I'm not Charles Hugh-Smith. I'm just some old has been who never really was.

  16. TSB: Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton: (election night as the shock started to sink in. Rachel still hasn't come to terms with legal vs illegal immigrants)

    And this morning us OLD C-Span viewers are heaping scorn on the MSM as no longer relevant to the truth. NYT begging Trump for forgiveness about unfair coverage. Lindsey Graham suggests "Lyin Ted" for Supreme Court: Talk about the kiss of death! Have a great weekend! gwb

  17. TSB: According to my sources: Half a dozen long convoys of trucks carrying US arms, hurriedly put together by US military headquarters in Baghdad, have crossed the border in the last three days on their way to the Syrian Kurdish PYD-YPG militia, DEBKAfile military and intelligence sources report exclusively Monday, Nov. 14. The deliveries were expressly ordered by President Barack Obama in a radical turnaround from his five-year refusal to supply qqKurdish fighters with American weaponry, least of all anti-air and anti-tank missiles.

    This 6 point plan to stop Trump from declaring victory in Raqqa by inauguration day and all of Syria by February of 2017 in concert with Russia and Turkey seems like 'Real News' to me. Looks like a crisis might be right around the corner. gwb
