You know that a book and movie deal will be along any day now. And somebody just has to be pitching a script for Law and Order. For all I know, they might have already done a Davis episode.
If I knew how to write in screenplay format, I'd do an L&O treatment myself. It's perfect for one of those 'ripped from the headlines' stories they specialize in. Of course, I'd have to change enough facts to get past the NBC legal department, so I'd make it about a Pakistani Consulate employee in New York City who shoots two muggers while doing close protection for some smarmy ISI types [doink-doink!].
There isn't much whodunit factor there, so this would be a story for the back half of the show, with lots of discussion of social issues. All about when self-defense is legitimate, how the public is outraged over diplomatic immunity, and what happens when political influence is brought to bear on the legal system [doink-doink!].
Tensions would build, diplomatic relations would be endangered, and there would be much maneuvering in New York, Washington, and Islamabad. The Manhattan South District Attorney would agonize over how to balance the interests of criminal law against U.S. national security interests in having continued Pakistani cooperation with drone strikes on al-Qaeda strongholds [doink-doink!].
Finally, right before a trial is to begin, the CIA and ISI would cut a deal. The District Attorney gets a phone call from the Riker's Island jail complex informing her that the defendant has been taken into U.S. Marshal's custody. She turns on the television and sees the defendant getting out of a Pakistani Consulate limo and being escorted into Kennedy Airport [doink-doink!].
Not a bad story, actually. Does anyone know of a good how-to book on screenplay format?
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TSB: I'm curious about the 41 "civilians" killed in Waziristan by the CIA the day after Davis was released. Was his detention holding up the program? Also, a return to after the cricket match showed no mention of the big TV coverage controversy. It's amazing how fast the media can erase previous
facts when they are told to. GWB
So today we find the 4 NYT'S journalists the NYT said were released really weren't? And also that last Monday Hillary was arguing
against NFlyZone til she found the French would be leading... so then said those famous words:Wait a minute!I'm the leader! I'll say when we go! ....HERE WE GO!! I loved that cartoon back in the day! GWB
TSB: I watched AJE coverage of Yemen.
I think the "Good Ship Yemen" is listing badly and the rats are starting to jump. These young people are not looking like they will stop until Saleh is gone. You got us through Ray Davis but now I think you are needed to analyze security in Yemen...Did you see the size of Saleh's meeting table?? You could land a jump jet on that thing! GWB
Re Hillary and the no-fly/drive/sail/walk zone, I think she was privately in favor but publicly noncommittal when the G-8 nations met last week. After Obama got on board - which was Wednesday, I think - she came out enthusiastically in favor. It doesn't hurt that the French are way out of front of everyone else.
Yemen? I don't know much about the place, but, yes, it looks like its primed for a big change.
TSB:It's time to take bets on who will start impeachment proceedings 1st.. the Dems or Repubs?? I am betting on a coalition of the willing. GWB
Once they realize Joe Biden would be President they will drop this nonsense.
Things are moving fast! The huge table now has only 1 person seated:
Regarding that talk of impeachment, those liberal Democrats have exactly the same position that Obama had himself back in 2008:
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation ... History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action."
Not much of a beat and you can't dance to it.
I think that commie's song, If I Had A Rocket Launcher, was better.
TSB: After a 30 minute search it seems the army has switched sides in Yemen to protect the people from
the government snipers. That should solve all our problems... just like Egypt? Maybe we could get Musharref to take a new job in Yemen? I'd love to see how many Yemeni freedom fighters can stand on Saleh's cabinet table... What color is this revolution?? GWB and why doesn't the US media report this stuff?
I see three top Yemeni generals switched sides today, so I guess Saleh is a dead man walking.
According to WikiLeaks, one of the three - MG Ali Mohsen - is the #2 power in Yemen. I guess he's the next dictator.
The press calls this kind of thing a "revolution" but it's really what political scientists call a " "circulation of elites."
Thanks! I must have missed that song back when it came out, so I just saw it on YouTube. That's a real return to the 60s, when I had to admit the left had the best songs even if I didn't appreciate their sentiments.
Thanks! I must have missed that song back when it came out, so I just saw it on YouTube. That's a real return to the 60s, when I had to admit the left had the best songs even if I didn't appreciate their sentiments.
TSB:Now they say Bashir Assad has released all political prisoners. How
close is he to becoming a dead man walking?? I think he raised government salaries 20%. Sounds like political family dynasty's are really endangered. Joe Biden's staff locked a pool reporter in a closet at a fund raiser. It was a really funny story in Orlando Sentinel. GWB... He too was released.
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