I've been hard at work over here - see my BlackBerry, PDA, and notebook on the table next to my noontime nosh? - but soon it will be time to put down the pick and return to my domestic office routine.
I've been becalmed in the internet doldrums for about ten days now, so I'm out of touch with the Blogosphere. The hectic pace of work - cough, cough - has prevented me from surfing the web as usual. That, plus the infuriating lack of a free Wi-Fi signal in or near my fancy TDY hotel. It seems every coffee shop in Israel has free Wi-Fi, but the further upscale you go the rarer it is to get a freebie. I may have to consider actually paying money for internet access like it was, I don't know, 1990 or something.
Funny thing - When I visited a Jerusalem convent hostel the other day, one of the Sisters told me "we have wine list here." At least, that's what I heard. But it turned out she really said "we have wireless here." And so they do, free Wi-Fi all throughout the residences, chapels, dining hall, and grounds. Next time, I'm staying there.
Thanks TSB! I thought the Mossad was the reason you left your computer home. gwb
Is that hummus in the big dish? I hope you didn't get that from the Zohad! gwb
TSB: While you were gone the only thing that happened was a jewish sex scandal. Andrea Mitchell covered it from start to finish and evidently no diplomats or world leaders were involved. gwb
Ooops! My Bad!! Hillary stepped in at the last minute to help one of the victims! gwb
I was keeping up with the sex scandal news. You can't avoid that.
BTW, that was a roasted egg plant dish with chick peas, so yes, pretty much hummus.
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