I'm currently doing the Grand Tour of the Persian Gulf, and on Sunday I attended the 9/11 commemoration at one of the posts in the region. Very well done. Dignified, and featuring personal recollections by the embassy staff.
But it is seriously hot over here. I just landed at my next TDY post, and at 10PM the temperature was still 96 degrees. If I don't melt, I'll be home next week.
That's Cool TSB!
TSB: By November you may need a Chinese visa to survey Barbados. gwb
China Woos Caribbean With Offer of $1 Billion in Loans
Barbados? There are so many Chinese in some many places, it doesn't surprise me. I'm seriously thinking another Opium War might not be a bad idea.
How bout an I Phone War? The Afghans are kicking our butts in the drug war. Maybe if we elect "Commodore Perry" in 2012. (Just put a hat on him and he'd be perfect!) gwb
TSB: Do we have a good evacuation plan in Kabul? gwb
TSB: We may need some fresh faces on the Intelligence Oversight Committee.
(DiFi shocked! shocked! loses $5.2 million) gwb
I'm sorry to hear DiFi lost some donor dollars. But isn't she married to a rich guy? She'll pull through.
Kabul's U.S. embassy will be staying in place for now. Today's attack was far, far, from another Tet Offensive.
Sure, those SF guys are all loaded and I guess the SF voters like their leaders well aged. (I mean experiended.)
Oh sure it's no big offensive with a handful of guys but taking over embassy row for 5 hours is pretty impressive. Did you hear the White House has decided to slash Afghan training funds in half!? They call it "good enough" training. gwb
TSB: Just to keep you up on the vital domestic news: Whitey Bulger is endorsing Mitt Romney. Says his health plan was great for South Boston and Romney has no ties to organized crime. He does hope Romney will convert to Catholicism though.
Whitey's endorsement is good enough for me.
But seriously, Mitt is such a salesman that you can practically smell his aftershave right through the TV.
Whitey's quite a salesman himself and figures he can sell Mitt on a pardon. He might have to go Mormon, but that's doable. Whitey says prison reform is the issue Mitt needs to use to crush Perry. And think of the ads with Rick and Mitt arguing over who has the best aftershave. Then they join forces with Rick as Veep. Whitey has this all figured out. gwb
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