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Paula Broadwell, Army Reserve officer and fitness freak |
Something about the 'crazy eyes' and runner's physique of Paula Broadwell reminded me of someone else. It finally dawned on me who she resembles - Air Force Major Jill Metzger.
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Jill Metzger, Air Force Major and marathon runner |
Metzger was assigned to Manas Air Force Base in Kyrgyzstan when she mysteriously disappeared for three days just before she was due to rotate back to the USA. Then, she showed up telling a crazy story about being abducted and escaping.
There was an investigation, of course, but the Air Force seemed to not really want to find out what happened, or at least didn't want to say what happened. With the investigation unresolved, Metzger went away quietly, temporarily retired for a few years on medical grounds of post-traumatic stress disorder, before being returned to active duty.
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Lisa Nowak, Navy Captain and astronaut |
Both of them look like Lisa Nowak, the former naval aviator and NASA astronaut who assaulted and attempted to kidnap her romantic rival, an Air Force Captain named Colleen Shipman who was involved with Nowak's astronaut-boy friend, William Oefelein.
Nowak drove overnight from Houston to Orlando to confront Shipman in an airport parking lot, bringing with her some latex gloves, a black wig, an air pistol, pepper spray, a hooded trench coat, a 2-pound drilling hammer, black gloves, rubber tubing, plastic garbage bags, and a folding knife.
Her lawyer later stated that she was suffering from major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia, and brief psychotic disorder with marked stressors at the time. Ms. Shipman put it more simply to the judge at Nowak's sentencing: "It was in her eyes: limitless, blood-chilling expression of limitless rage."
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Jennifer Wilbanks, civilian, runaway bride |
Compare all of them to Jennifer Wilbanks, the Georgia woman who went out jogging four days before her gargantuan 600-guest wedding and then didn't return home. That brought on a nationwide police search and a full-blown media feeding frenzy until Wilbanks turned up outside a 7-11 in Albuquerque telling a tall tale about abduction and sexual assault.
While police dithered about whether to charge her with making a false report, Wilbanks checked into a medical treatment program to address physical and mental problems.
Wilbanks and her ex-fiancé sold the media rights to their story for half a million dollars. Then Wilbanks sued the ex-fiancé, claiming that she granted him power of attorney to negotiate the sale while she was hospitalized and under medication, and demanded that he give her his share of the $500,000 plus another $250,000 in punitive damages.
As a public service to my male readers: I implore you, when you see a woman with eyes like that, don't just walk away, run.
Great post TSB: But shouldn't the female readers run too? gwb
Generals! Generals! Generals! Please keep your eyes on the road!!
TSB: Now that the election is over I suggested to Juan Cole that he should start making some suggestions about the current state of the wars.
This is a good comment on Petreaus and listening to it you can understand why Juan will not soon seen on broadcast TV. We need a debate about the lessons to be learned from these wars and avoiding that is probably a big reason Gen P was put at CIA. gwb
TSB: There seems to be a lot of army "group think" going on down at "Ft. McPickle" for a long time.
Don't you love all the TV generals who have been mythologizing all this stuff for 20 years and all the women TV anchors who bow and pay tribute before dishing out the latest "exploding pickles"? gwb
Very funny and creepy. Thanks TSB!
-- Snakes Mommy
TSB: I think Pepe might have this Benghazi thing figured out even before we found out today that Petreaus made a late Oct trip to Libya to prepare for his testimony.
If so, DiFi might learn more by skipping the hearing and going to the wine tasting in Adelaide with Hillary & friends. gwb
Skyfall, starring David Petraeus
By Pepe Escobar
snip-What may have really happened is that the US consulate in Benghazi was a sort of CIA safe house/spy house - thus under Petraeus responsibility, not the State Dept. This neatly dovetails with "Paula" casually saying, at the University of Denver on October 26, that "prisoners" were being held at the consulate (the CIA vehemently denied it, so there must be a degree of truth to it).
That the consulate was attacked by Salafi-jihadis is out of the question. The State Department may have been the fall guys - while Petraeus/CIA got away with their incompetence. Well, until the bedroom farce exploded.
All USG personnel overseas are under the authority of the Ambassador ("Chief of Mission"), unless they are under a separate military command. Ultimately, DOS and the President are responsible.
That said, I don't think they are responsible for holding prisoners in a diplomatic facility. Do people take that idea seriously? That's what places like Bagram air field are for.
I think that Broadell was alluding to unconfirmed reports that the security detail had captured a couple Libyan militiamen during the battle, and turned them over to friendly militia (Feb.17 Brigade). The media spun that up into a 'black site' story.
Well, it will be more material for this Thursday's open hearing!
Ah, TSB enjoyed the "Studies of an ex-wife" showing. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then some people need to draw the curtains!
Ron Neuman witnessed first hand what R. Fisk was reporting on exclusively in Algiers (50's), Aleppo (80's) and Algiers again in the 90's when another islamic civil war was fought with car bombs,slit throats, rape and torture. Just as in Iraq the opposition were called terrorists and the guys who invalidated the elections cause the wrong side won were formerly their allies against the French. Allahu Ahkbar (modern version) has been going on since 1915 Armenia. gwb
TSB:Only his hairdresser knows for sure! (The biggest question not asked at today's news conf.)gwb
TSB: Obama "kicks butt with Washington Press Corps!" This could mean he's about to kill an Al Quaeda leader or that he's about to drop $30 billion on the Jersey Shore and let the governors frolic in it with Mayor Bloomberg!
CNN sends Farheed Zhakaria to Jeruselem to cover wreckage of a flaming car in Gaza and Chris Matthews is totally giddy over prospects for huge tax increases!
...and YES! Gen. Petreaus will testify in public MANANA! It's a winwinwinwinwin! gwb
GWB: Ambassador Ron Neuman? He's my hero! And, he's going to testify at tomorrow's open hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on where we go after Benghazi.
Obama is looking less grey? Well, at least he isn't going to the same toupee emporium where Gen. Petraeus shops.
Yes TSB, That was a good article by Neuman. You were right about getting Benghazi on the front burner. Everyone is talking about it down there at "dysfunction junction". Please let us know when we learn something new from the "gang of 535". gwb
TSB: The reason I said let us know is I can't find any open hearing scheduled on politico or c-span. I don't think the public is on the "need to know" list? "All In" has jumped to 264 on Amazon! I know our library has it... maybe all the libraries are buying extra copies! gwb
TSB: Without any facts to argue with today I'm left to let you argue with Pepe...who seems to me to have this thing nailed including some new facts about "Our Man In Syria". gwb
TSB: Kim Kardashian going to Marine Ball... says she will find out what happened at Benghazi and report it publically the next day!
"Chucky Cheese Schumer" says Prez promised him $20 billion for Sandy rebuilding..
Schumer said current FEMA maximum is $34,000/house for flooding. Even a tiny beach bungalo could cost 10x that much to replace. Looks like $20 billion will probably just cover initial planning and bidding. gwb
GWB: The House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing today wasn't covered by any TV media, so far as I saw. You might be able to see it re-run on the committee website, which is where I watched it. Not all that interesting, though.
Thanks TSB! Probably on C=span over the weekend. gwb
TSB: Look what I found! Our NEXT PRESIDENTE! (funraisin!) gwb
TSB: Rubio's body language says he was aware he was in 'gator country'
and had probably been warned to stick to a bottled water and stay away from the twin bazookas. gwb
General Petreaus:Why did you tell us it was the video when you knew it was "terrorists"? answr: "Black Ops! Black ops are black! We got black ops everywhere and my job is to keep em black! Now get out of here and get back to Shhh!" gwb from inside the closed hearing.
We've got ours now TSB: As honorary consuls now we get free bridge tolls and (I have to check on this) no taxes on pot! And, of course, we are inviolable! gwb
Ok TSB, So the next Sec-State probably won't be an overly pugilistic Rice which leaves "Overly Unctious Oooz" simmering on the front burner. Huntsman is disqualified for disloyalty, (Udall mormonism), diplomatic skill,intelligence, and actually wanting a coherent foreign policy.
I think you should invite your loyal readers to offer their favorites for the job. That would be fun to see. gwb
Now that he is lawyered up Petreaus has real leverage! He can write a book lambasting Obama, Donlin, Broadwell, HRC and STATE while keeping all the "conservatives" on his side. Broadwell can write her own book blasting Petreaus and military elite and then run for Senator Lieberman's seat when he's done. Bet they both end up multi-multi millionaires! gwb
Obama has signalled from Myanmar: "Go ahead and pound Gaza to rubble while I'm gone. Just don't use tanks and artillery. (It's too Syrian.) Use F-16's, Apache's and Hellfire (anti-armor wink wink) missiles...They are so precise! and we need the jobs! I'll be back in 4 days to urge calm, medicine and food aid.. negotiations..democracy.. whatever!. Then we'll resume against that bastard Assad! Hillary wants her mark on that one." gwb
Marco Rubio: Actual Age Of Earth Is 'One Of The Great Mysteries'
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing Posted: 11/19/2012 10:58 am EST
They should ask Marco if he knows what a socialite is and how important they are to our military?
answer..just guessing..C'mon Man! I'm not a social scientist! gwb
TSB: Here he is! 30 yrs later. Lt. Col Oliver "We Don't Trade Arms For Hostages" North with a new book
(about himself?): HEROES AGAIN!
He says we need to launch a new global war against radical islam. Evidently the one he started 30 years ago needs radical re-committment! I suggest this start at our nation's airports by only allowing approved religious affiliations to fly. "Without the new chip, you don't ship buddy!"
Now that is some pre-election rhetoric to rally the base! I'm for 40 more years of that!! gwb
“We need to flatten all of Gaza. The American’s didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough – so they hit Nagasaki too. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire,” ranted Sharon.
I object to the watered down syrupy coverage of CNN TSB. Where is our interior minister on this thing?
I knew it TSB! Here comes the press conference with Gloria Allred to reveal how un-hinged that Broadwell really is! gwb
If I could Tweet I would echo Dowd:
"Condi sold her soul for the job; Susan ownly rented it.' gwb
GWB: what took Gloria so long to get in front of a TV camera with Broadwell and/or Kelly? She's
Well, this Gaza business is getting more serious, no? HAMAS typically keeps going until it has expended all its rockets, then calls for a truce. We'll see what Hillary can do about the situation.
TSB: You asking me to understand Allred? My wife says she's a shameless opportunist.
How about this? Big Sis says to the french: "They don't call me "Big Sis" for nothin! I ain't sayin I did and I ain't sayin I didn't"!
http://thehill.com/blogs/global-affairs/europe/268995-us-accused-of-hacking-into-french-presidential-computers gwb
Great picture of Janet in French interview saying (I think): "Sure we all love the Sarkozys but does anyone really trust them?" gwb
TSB: I saw a Telegraph story showing Isreali tanks shelling Gaza today during daylight hours. Evidently the "PC Gods"
had them take it down. Hillary probably had to make a phone call on that one. gwb
Hillary returns triumphant; and Shimon Peres says Bill is the perfect guy to be regional envoy to AIPAC! (isn't that Tony Blair's old gig before he became fabulously wealthy?) and speaking of blowing up stuff when things aren't going well that's what Bill did to that drug factory in ethiopia and Bin Ladin's training camp in Afghanistan. That was $100 million worth of fireworks on CNN brought to you by the new Toyota Land Cuiser! Time to thaw out that turkey and make some sugar plumbs! Hope the electricity stays on. gwb
TSB: Great article on Munter from 1 yr ago. He was fired for being "off message" by STATE, PANETTA. Our Amb. to Libya was killed for being "on message" to the satisfaction of STATE, WH, Panetta. gwb
GWB: I had no idea that Janet Napolitano was so diplomatic. Dealing with the French, and all that. She has a future in the second Obama administration, for sure.
Did Perez say that Bill should be the envoy to the Middle East peace process negotiation body (Quartet of Nations, Tony Blair's job)? That would be a perfect match, since he lloves to talk and that job is about nothing else. Blair had his shot.
The Munter interview - that was highly interesting. I wonder if he's mad about how his career ended and now he's willing to have what diplomats call a "frank exchange of views" out in public. I'll get popcorn if that's what's happening.
Happy Thanksgiving TSB: Munter, like many is just just glad to get out of Islammabad alive after Panetta "Hellfired" a big gathering 2 days after the big CIA-Brady Bunch shootout in "Badobad" last year. He was looking for support from Hillary but I think she was "on travel" at the time and sent John Kerry. Fmr Amb. Crocker got deferral yesterday and good wishes from the judge for a full recovery from his subdural hematoma and alcoholism caused by dealing with Panetta for too long. gwb
TSB: I wonder what is Mubarek's reaction to the great news that he has been granted a new trial!? Oh sure,they might add on a few charges but with a sharp lawyer and Joe Biden as a character witness he should do fine. gwb
TSB: Juan Cole has the only good reporting I've seen today about Morsi. gwb
Victoria Nuland says "concentrated power in the hands of a few is un-democratic"... Morsi says "shiite or sunni, we're all muslims now and we have to work together and reject zionist 'peace process bs'for the sake of the HOMELAND..I mean revolution! We will silence the Imperialists by taking their money!" Yassar Arafat is chucking in his radioactive casket! gwb
TSB: "Age Of Innocence" is definitely the best of the Ignatius books for understanding pre 80's Lebanon and the CIA. gwb
While we keep pouring $$ down the Ag-Reform program in Afghanistn the Russians are building cultural center at "Kabul U" where (after 13 years of humiliation at the hands of the US young Afghans want to learn Russian where they won't all be called terrorists gwb
Post something for Godsakes. Every time I check in for something new the forehead shine nearly blinds me!
Exactly! I had the same thought when I viewed the blog the other day.
Sorry for the silence, but lately I haven't seen anything so urgently blogable that it overcame the inertia that sets over me after getting home from work. I'll be back up with something soon.
TSB: Don't do it! Go with the inertia and the occasional tweet!
GWB: inertia is a powerful force, but I'm starting to recover and I feel like I'll post something soon!
May the force be with you! I'm just finishing "This Kind of War" by T.R. Fehrenbach about the Korean War. It makes "The Coldest Winter" sound like a fairy tale and explains a lot why we quit winning wars with WWII. Great book!
TSB: Today the Palestinians get "status" at the UN. There is only one in-depth report on this I have seen. After months of arm twisting the USG and STATE seem to have convinced no one to vote no.
Of course the one who is reporting about this is. drum roll..JUAN COLE!! gwb
The Palestinian vote thing seems so anti-climactic. Abu Mazen is now completely irrelevant - HAMAS controls the agenda vis-a-vis Israel - but he's patting himself on the back about changing the PA's status from non-member observer organization at the UN to non-member observer state. Maybe the UN could now do something useful and tell HAMAS to stand down because non-member state leader Abu Mazen is the boss of them.
TSB: I've probably been reading too much stuff about 1947-48 lately. I think the Palestinans got screwed back then. The guy who impressed me the most yesterday was
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu who was roundly cheered for a great speech and moustache. Susan Rice was loud and hedgemonically pissed that her "diplomacy" had failed. I'm no fan of Hamas or the rest of the P's
leadership but glad to see them finally get a seat in the back row!
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