Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some Progress On the Harry Dunn Sequel, As Houston Court Hears Extradition Case

Isaac Calderon, international man of mystery

Many months ago we heard that the UK has requested extradition of a U.S. citizen who caused a traffic accident in which a British women was injured, an event that raised misguided comparisons with the Harry Dunn case. 

Finally, this week there was evidence that an actual extradition proceeding is really happening. Specifically, there was an initial hearing in a Houston court in which the defendant appeared and the court heard evidence provided by the UK police force that investigated the accident.

The nonsense starts with the term "soldier." The defendant is reportedly a member of the Texas Army National Guard, which is a one-weekend-a-month-and-two-weeks-a-year kind of thing. (Someone should explain to the UK press that the NG is our equivalent to their Territorial Army.) But the UK press and social media will cling to anything that makes this simple traffic accident by a private U.S. citizen into a machination of the U.S. government, and especially of its covert intelligence world.    

Agent Double O Aspergers might seem a very unlikely candidate to be a mastermind of espionage, but for fans of Team Harry Dunn, he'll do. 

The nonsense escalates from there, with the terms "Official Secrets Act," "intelligence solider," and "Secret Service" freely sprinkled all over news stories about the case. Ominously, they speculate he might even have been visiting the SAS base in Herefordshire, which suggests he was up to bilateral skullduggery.  

As for the real 23 year-old Texan behind all the media nonsense, we learned at the court hearing that he told the UK police he was vaping while driving too fast (70 MPH in a 50), struggled to use an unfamiliar stick shift, and was passing cars despite being perpetually confused by those foreign markings on British roads. He also said he was driving on personal business, and did not have insurance. 

I'm still curious about who owned the car. I'm assuming it wasn't a rental, given the lack of insurance.  

Well, it doesn't look good for our Texas Guardsman. However, there is still a long legal road to travel before he can be sent back to face UK justice. 
Courtesy of the U.S. Justice Department, here's a summary of the process that must be followed before a U.S. to UK extradition can take place:
“During the judicial phase, a court will determine whether the extradition request meets the requirements of the applicable extradition treaty and the law of the requested country. If so, the judicial authority will rule on whether the person may be extradited. If the judicial authority rules that the person may be extradited, the case enters the executive phase, in which an executive authority of the government of the requested country, usually a Prime Minister, Minister of Justice or Minister of Foreign Affairs (for the United States, the appropriate executive authority is the Secretary of State), will determine whether the requested country will surrender the wanted person in extradition.”
Both the judicial and the executive phases may be appealed.

All that process might just take us beyond the inauguration of the next POTUS, and hence, the next Secretary of State. 
The mystery grows.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Help Me, Help Me, Aaron Sorking, You're My Only Hope!"

The present moment calls for the fastest-talking re-write man in the business, if Hillary is going to make a convincing case at the Democratic nominating convention next month. 

By an amazing coincidence, that man has a piece in the NYT today.  

Sure, she and Bill immediately made a ritual endorsement of Kamala right after the Biden news broke, but NEVER count the Lady Macbeth of Little Rock out, not when political death is on the line. 

Get a preview of how she might handle the opportunity Joe Biden just handed her here: what would happen in The West Wing's parallel universe?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Drone Strike Near U.S. Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv, EBO Escaped Damage

You've no doubt seen the news reports by now. The most reliable reports indicate the aerial vehicle was an enhanced (longer range) Iranian-made drone, and it was launched from Yemen. The drone was not detected by Israeli warning systems, it struck a good 400 feet from the EBO, killing one resident and injuring several others.

Bottom line: unmanned aerial vehicles are the new conventional weapon, they are largely impractical to defeat, and a responsible nation will ensure that its diplomats have a reasonable degree of protection against them through emergency preparedness, training and orientation of its personnel, and by hardening its diplomatic premises to the extent feasible. 


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Election 2024: Looks Like I Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Sniffing Glue

This week is the Republican's national convention, but far bigger news is coming from the Democrat side where the drama continues practically hour by hour as they try to sort out, at this late date, who'll be on their ticket.

Efforts grow to convince Joe Biden to drop out, but - C'mon Man! - he's having none of it.     

Rep. Jared Huffman of California, who in recent days had organized fellow Democrats to pressure the DNC to delay nominating Biden, called the party’s new, slower timeline [for the nomination of a candidate] “a positive step,” but said it was not likely to alleviate concerns about Biden’s viability. 

-- snip --

“Many of us are perplexed that he continues to say he’s either tied or winning in the polls,” Huffman said. “We don’t understand what factual universe that is coming from.” 
Avoiding delusion is a good thing. especially when it's self-delusion. Good luck with that, Rep. Huffman, maybe you'll succeed where no one else has so far. And plenty of Democratic leaders have tried, up to but not (as of today) including Obama. 

FYI, you can find the factual universe of adverse polling results for Biden at this NYT's article: Biden Called ‘More Receptive’ To Hearing Pleas to Step Aside

Tick ... tick ... tick ... 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Senator 'Gold Bar Bob' Menendez: 9 Terms in Congress, 16 convictions

My least favorite corrupt public official was elected to six terms in the House (1993 to 2005) and three in the Senate (2006 to 2018), thirty years in all. Justice finally caught up with him today, which was in spite of his inspired defense that he was only doing his job when he traded official actions for cash, gold, and other gratuities. 

Sadly, he's probably sincere in that claim, and I bet a lot of his congressional colleagues think the same thing. 

Maybe justice will get around to those others someday. For today, a jury found Menendez guilty of all 16 counts in his indictment. He'll appeal, of course. 

Meanwhile, we'll see how hard the Senate pushes for his expulsion, which is the only way for it to be rid of him because he'll never resign. He's even running for reelection as an Independent!

If the voters of New Jersey can spare Bob for a few years, the Bureau of Prisons would like to have a talk.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Now Revealed: "Otherworldly Humanoid" Visited Pentagon, Eisenhower, Nixon, in 1957

I can't vouch for the investigative journalism of this Gaia outfit, but that lady does seem extremely well informed about the aliens, even the fact that the female ones wore flat shoes. That's the kind of detail that communicates believability. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Biden Explains Away That Debate Performance to ABC News

Biden doubles down on debate explanations in ABC News exclusive interview.
"Yeah, look. The whole way I prepared, nobody's fault, mine. Nobody's fault but mine. I-- I prepared what I usually would do sitting down as I did come back with foreign leaders or National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized-- partway through that, you know, all-- I get quoted the New York Times had me down, ten points before the debate, nine now, or whatever the hell it is. The fact of the matter is, what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn't-- I mean, the way the debate ran, not-- my fault, nobody else's fault, no one else's fault."
If you ask me, John Belushi did it better.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Open Labs Poll "Panic Inducing" For Democrats

It's bad news all around for Biden after that debate. In particular, this leaked polling memo ‘shook Democrats in their boots,’ says former Obama adviser.
The polling memo from Open Labs, leaked to Puck News, showed how President Biden’s support was sliding following his panic-inducing debate performance Thursday.
The Open Labs memo noted the “largest single-week drop” in Biden’s vote share since it began horse-race tracking in late 2021, which it noted came as Biden already faced a “challenging” election landscape before the debate.
You may wonder exactly who is doing all this leaking. My guess is that the White House screwed up by publicly blaming the handlers and aides who tried to prepare Biden for that debate. His piss-poor performance must be their fault, goes the blame-shifting logic. 

And what's the defensive response of desperate low-level Washington apparatchiks when their careers are threatened? To leak whatever they know that's damaging to their enemies. Every leak has a purpose.  

Whoever leaked it, this one result alone is devastating:
In Pennsylvania, the state that now represents the tipping point, POTUS trails Trump by 7.3pp.
There is much more, and none of it good for Biden. Read it all here.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

It's That Time in the Election Cycle When We Turn On Third Party Candidates

To be very clear - he did not / not eat a dog. It was a goat. On everything else he is guilty as charged, but not the dog. Get that straight. 

Vanity Fair just took a big swing at Robert Kennedy Jr., who is polling somewhere below ten percent, but that's enough to make him a possible spoiler in swing states. 

Here it is: RFK Jr.’s Family Doesn’t Want Him to Run. Even They May Not Know His Darkest Secrets, and here's a quote from the seventh paragraph in that fairly long article.
After initially denouncing his candidacy last summer, most of the 105 Kennedy relatives —including Bobby’s eight siblings, the largest branch of the family—had hoped his campaign would collapse under the weight of his many bizarre claims and alliances with anti-vax cranks and Trumpworld figures like Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson. Instead the family has played defense, going public only when Kennedy’s statements went so far out of bounds they had no choice, like when he suggested COVID was “ethnically targeted” to spare Jewish and Chinese people; or his claim that anti-vaxxers suffered worse oppression than Anne Frank (a statement sister Kerry called “sickening and destructive”); or when he claimed there was a mysterious alternative shooter in the death of his father in 1968 (going so far as to interview Sirhan B. Sirhan in prison and proclaim him innocent); or that the CIA was possibly involved in the assassination—claims that caused deep pain for his siblings.
Mind you, all that comes before they get to RFK Jr.'s old heroin addiction and his molestation of a young women he employed as a nanny for his children. 

RFK Jr. blows all that off as old news, which, I have to say, it is. No less damning for being long known, though, and almost certainly a lot of it is new news to many voters, especially those who weren't even born yet when RFK Jr. was neck-deep in all the traditional Kennedy family vices.
"I had a very, very rambunctious youth," said Kennedy ... So, you know, Vanity Fair is recycling 30-year-old stories. And, I'm not, you know, going to comment on the details of any of them, but it's, you know, I am who I am," he added.
He was age 45 when he wouldn't stop feeling up the nanny, but then I suppose Kennedys have a prolonged adolescence. 

Well, you know, all that appalling history is, you know, who he is, and, you know, he isn't going to look so good to some voters before, you know, they decide between him and the other choices on the ballot.