Monday, July 8, 2024

Now Revealed: "Otherworldly Humanoid" Visited Pentagon, Eisenhower, Nixon, in 1957

I can't vouch for the investigative journalism of this Gaia outfit, but that lady does seem extremely well informed about the aliens, even the fact that the female ones wore flat shoes. That's the kind of detail that communicates believability. 


James said...

Was it Joe Biden?

TSB said...

Well, I don't want to accuse anyone without proof, but Biden *is* old enough to have had some unexplained involvement with alien visitors in 1957. There aren't many others still around who fit that profile.

I'd say it's 50/50 odds. But should the aliens return to rescue him this week, then we'll have the proof.

James said...

This whole Biden thing is not a good look for the Dems.

TSB said...

It's amazing to see him teetering on the brink day after day, and no telling which way he'll fall. Great drama, but Dems can't enjoy any of it.

James said...

It's power.

James said...

You must excuse me for I'm in training:

TSB said...

That's the best kind of training - informative and entertaining.

James said...

For a more practical purposes I joined this outfit:

TSB said...

Understandable. That Society has the better cherry, plus the fancy tuxes.

James said...

I am pleased to report that I have been able to put many things on top of things all across the the Southwest US.

James said...

It's very difficult to put things on top of other things when you can't be seen.

TSB said...

Maybe make the things hard to see, as well? Camouflage must be complete and continuous in order to be effective, as I recall.

James said...

In WWI they used camouflage of distraction, introduced by Dame Edna.

TSB said...

Dame Edna! I'm happy to learn that she, like many another British matron, did her national service to beat the dreaded Hun.