The WaPo interviewed some of the DC office workers who showed up at a Gov.Loop promotional event Thursday, one of whom works in public diplomacy.
Federal workers enjoy a free lunch:
Hundreds of federal employees braved the cold Thursday and enjoyed a free meal courtesy of , the social media Web site for public sector employees. The site, marking its 50,000th subscriber, bought more than 500 free lunches for any federal, state and city employees who showed up with a government-issued ID.
As you’ll see in the video above, employees from the Environmental Protection Agency, National Endowment for the Arts, State Department, Justice Department, Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies enjoyed free macaroni and cheese and shared their thoughts on public perceptions of the public sector.
If the pay and benefits aren't enough to attract more citizens to a career in government, then maybe free macaroni and cheese from a sidewalk lunch wagon will do the trick.
TSB: Speaking of eating lunch, did you realize: "Remarkably, there are now more Middle Eastern visitors to Yiwu, a city in China that houses tens of thousands of retailers, than there are to the entire United States."?
So while the US provides the security (and the islamophobia) the Chinese provide the prosperity! YIWU!! gwb
TSB: Now I'm buying Arthur Herman's book about the SCOTS because it's great fun to understand all that "history" that was presented 50 years ago w/o any context. Thanks! gwb
About the Scots, I was fascinated to learn how many things we associate with the south / Appalachians is actually Scottish. Even insults like "redneck" and "cracker" and the idea of wooden cabins. Pretty much the whole southern redneck way of life was really a transplant from the Scottish highlands.
Yes! And I was fascinated to realize they invented the "thought police" which would hang a 19 yr old for having anti-calvinist ideas
about God while drunk. Then came John Locke! And they created education so people could read the bible which led to all kinds of things! amazing.
TSB:My best neighbor ever was MacDonald, former small farmer from the Tennessee hills. Taught me how to grow everything, I literally spent thousands of hours listening to his stories, drinking beer and eating great southern cooking. I never thought of him being Scottish and neither did he!
(but he sure was!) gwb
TSB: Newt says Iran is close to destroying our entire civilization!
What should we do? gwb (from Jim Lobe of Asia Times)
"As the New York Times noted in a front-page article on Monday, Gingrich has long expressed concern that Iran could explode a nuclear weapon above the United States, setting off an electro-magnetic pulse that could cripple the country's electricity infrastructure as a result of which, in his words, "we would basically lose our civilization in a matter of seconds."
So long as our public life is consumed by a perpetual state of fear (I wish it weren't, but it is), I highly approve of Newt being obsessed with nerf-ball wars like an EMP Doomsday. So much better than real wars or nuking Iran.
Being Newt, he'll drop EMP and move on to ten new topics today.
I was hoping we could get a free look at all those old James Bond thrillers. gwb
TSB: President now (by signing the defense authorization act) claims the right to indefinitely detain anyone (citizen or not) indefinitely if they are "suspected" of ???. Now we are all Bradley Manning! gwb
TSB: I watched a documentary on the B-29 crash that created the precedent for this. The cause of the crash was an engine fire from lack of maintainence... kept secret for 50 years. Total BS according to the widows approved by Supreme Court due to commie scare of the time. gwb
Exclusive: Iran hijacked US drone, says Iranian engineer
In an exclusive interview, an engineer working to unlock the secrets of the captured RQ-170 Sentinel says they exploited a known vulnerability and tricked the US drone into landing in Iran.
By Scott Peterson, Staff writer, Payam Faramarzi*, Correspondent / December 15, 2011
TSB: Real interesting in Christian Science Monitor article. gwb
The B-29 (Waycross) crash was a test of the state secrets privilege, correct? At least that privilege has a long history dating back to English law, but this Defense Act provision on detention is something brand new to the USA and completely contrary to common law.
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