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Can caffeine withdrawal make a camel homicidal? |
"Camel kills American owner at wildlife park in Mexico resort" - The Guardian World
While it was unclear why the animal attacked, a Tulum civil defense official said some versions suggest the camel was upset at not getting a soft drink.
“One version is that he would always give him a
Coca-Cola to drink, and apparently, that day he didn’t give him the Coca-Cola,”
"Two male strippers in quarantine after flying with Ebola-stricken nurse" - New York Post

TSB: These guys aren't strippers; They are Romance Novel Models! gwb
Getting a murderous camel and male strippers worked into one post is quite an achievement, I'm impressed.
That article was the first I'd heard of Romance Novel models. From some photos I saw - on one of those guys' website, I think - the job entails appearing at RomComs where middle-age and up ladies fondle you while their friends take pictures. Does any money change hands during private photo sessions in the VIP room? Maybe. All the more reason why those guys need to be above suspicion in this Ebola matter.
Actually, I'm pretty sure some romance writer is already finishing up a new novel with an Ebola plot. (Nurses with Ebola are abducted by ISIS and held for ransom?) This could be the big opportunity for those guys to appear on a real Romance novel cover.
James: Thank you. But really, I can claim no credit. The world is so radically unstable these days that the headlines are what the French call 'an embarrassment of riches.'
TSB: I'm having trouble figuring out what a picture of thousands of junked motorcycles has to do with a government ban on motorcycles? gwb
GWB: I suppose those cycles could have been seized, but it wasn't explained in the story. Also, it's odd the police focused just on cycles, versus cars and trucks, as VBIED threats. But stayed tuned for more - this is shaping up to be a Saudi vs Iran proxy war.
TSB: Years ago I worked as a type setter in the 2nd largest porno paper back printing houses (working on that alliteration thingy there) in the US. One day I'll tell a few tales.
TSB: From what I can tell the Houthi's have taken over 3 new cities in the past 5 days with full cooperation of government security forces. The government in Sanaa might say MC's are banned but I don't think they have any police to enforce it?? Did you know there are 80,000 Brits of Yemeni origin in the UK? (according to Jane Marriott, the 34 yo Ambassador.) gwb
James: Printed porn? I'm guessing that must have been for the female market. Men just look at the Internet, or so I'm told.
GSB: Not really, they were 200 page novelettes (ahem). You'd find them on navy ships etc.
TSB: Who is this GSB? And what is he doing in here?? (probably a romance novel model!) gwb
TSB: According to an article in Yemen Times the MC ban was in 2013 in Sanaa and up to 10,000 were impounded to stop assassinations. Nobody is currently enforcing the law but the Houthi's claim to have brought peace.
Alright dammit, GWB, TSB.
TSB: I saw video today of US Embassy Baghdad with smoke, fire trucks and ambulances arriving. Thought to be results of rockets and mortar fire. gwb
GWB: I saw a video, too, probably the same one. It showed an impact in the Green Zone, not the embassy. A Tunisian news agency based in London is putting out the report that the embassy itself was hit, not just the Zone, and they seem to be alone in reporting that.
There have been impacts in the Zone (AKA " near the embassy") all this month. I think it just reflects an ISIL presence in Sunni neighborhoods around the outskirts of the capital.
TSB: Thanks to great reporting by George Washington it looks like the US created the current (super deadly) Ebola virus in illegal research labs in
Liberia and Sierra Leone. Save time and scroll down to: Top Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out on Ebola gwb
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