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Ireland and United Kingdom foods, maybe |
While doing some shopping today at my local Wegman's, I went through their international foods section and was delighted to see cans of Spam - quite a lot of them - in the "Ireland and United Kingdom" aisle. Does Wegman's sell Spam anyplace else in their stores? Not that I've ever noticed.
Brits liking Spam - is that just a stereotype left over from the WWII years, or do they still really like their Spam? I know it's produced in the UK, and they do indeed seem to eat a lot of it, but is it a distinctive national dish?
Whatever it is, it has the "Spam Spam Spam Spam" song running in my head.
HaHaHaHa TSB! I've been getting a lot of Spam from Ted Cruz. He'd throw me in the clink if I spammed him or worse if I told him what I think about his chances.
Now here's another thing that has me concerned:
Fukushima radiation just off the North American coast is higher now than it has ever been, and government scientists and mainstream press are scrambling to cover-up and downplay the ever-increasing deadly threat that looms for millions of Americans. (All I had to eat at work today was a can of TUNA!)
Looks like we will be glowing in the dark out her on the west coast pretty soon! Thanks a lot GE! gwb
TSB: I'm starting to feel better! gwb
Thank you for voting!
SANDERS 59.24% (18,322 votes)
O'MALLEY 33.61% (10,394 votes)
CLINTON 7.15% (2,213 votes)
TSB: Were you wearing shorts? gwb
70 degrees? That's something to look forward to. Today it's more like 40.
TSB: Now HERE is your terrorist mastermind! My God these guys have long careers! gwb
TSB: I don't know how I do it with this ancient computer but here is where I stand this month with my local newspaper! gwb (I'm guessing they laid off their digital edition person.)
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TSB: Re; the Spam song.
I say this from the bottom of my heart, CURSE YOU TSB!
James: I agree, that is one annoying bit of British comedy. BTW, the BBC big shots back in the 60s were positive that the Monty Python series would have absolutely no appeal in the U.S. market because it was way too British. They thought the same thing about Bennie Hill. Then, those were the two biggest BBC hits in the U.S. market. Go figure.
TSB: Best quote from the big debate in New Hampshire: The Clintons
“We have to end the flood of secret, unaccountable money that is distorting our elections, corrupting our political system, and drowning out the voices of too many everyday Americans . . . Our democracy should be about expanding the franchise, not charging an entrance fee.”
~ Hillary Clinton gwb
(Next week watch for Hillary to announce a 34 nation coalition of nations pledging to stop the money that has been corrupting American elections.)
And Then There Were 12... Lindsey Graham "Suspends" Presidential Campaign Due To Lack Of "Buzz"
TSB: I love Lindsey Graham's personal story of growing up poor and only getting to college through hard work and disability survivors benefits. I disagreed with him on the war and invading Iran or bombing them into oblivion, but when he started being on nightly tv commenting on the Ft.Hood shooting I realized he was hiding behind legal mumbo jumbo while waiting to see which way the wind was blowing.(ie..totally PC)
He's been to the region 37 times and is ready to kill any number of innocent Syrians with boots on the ground.. and has been totally upstaged by Ben Carson who's only been there once and is ready to do the same. Now if we can just get Jeb! to smell the coffee he could be next. Then if Hillary can get smashed in Iowa, NH and South Carolina the campaign could get a
lot more interesting. gwb (Are you listening Joe Biden?)
TSB:James; This is a great picture of the Clintons and the Trumps at the big wedding. Well, it seems they have had a falling out since then and thinking of Hillary campaigning in South Carolina (Yall) reminded me of the time the squirrel went to church. gwb
Mississippi Squirrel Revival (3:54)
TSB: kaBOOM! You have to love the latest Sy Hersch revelations on Syria! It is DIA vs CIA and Joint Chiefs vs NSA and Obama. No wonder the TV generals have been having a field day peddling nonsense; No wonder Dempsey never seemed to make any sense; No wonder Dunford said we have to ally with Turkey even before he was nominated. Everybody's lying to everybody!
So now the election hinges on how long it takes Hillary to go to the bathroom as The Bern leaps ahead of everyone while defending her. gwb
Over looking the evil you unleashed with this video, I still wish you a Merry Christmas, you too, GWB. And I leave you with this:
I love that one James and Merry Christmas to you and TSB too!! gwb
TSB: US-Iranian-Russian-Iraqi offensive launched to recover Ramadi from ISISDEBKAfile Special Report December 22, 2015, 9:05 PM (IDT)
Ok: This operation being run from the joint US-Russian command center in Iraq is to root out 400 ISIS fighters in Ramadi. US special forces working with Iranian advisors sending pro-iranian militia and sunni militia to defeat these guys backed by US and Russian airpower to prevent ISIS from sending in ammo or troops from Syria.
Meanwhile: Russia sharing miltary intelligence with Taliban, Putin's envoy says
Thursday, December 24, 2015 0:04
Plus: India is buying $5.4 billion of those Russkie Iskander-400 missiles for the upcoming WWIII
(I'm just sayin... whole lot of coordinatin goin on, pretty sure Donald will claim credit for bringing it up.) gwb
Merry Christmas, gentlemen. And, since it's Christmas Eve: "Nakatomi Plaza, December 24, 1988, Never Forget"
TSB: I think this is pretty funny because in the past 15 years I've never missed checking the Drudge report and I have never spoken to anyone who even knows about it. (except a fair number of soldiers). gwb Of course DOD was the first to block it.
I don't agree with Drudge a lot of the time but I do think the whole political class and the media are desperate to shut him down. Trump is his last hope. Did you see where the Chi-Coms are rounding up all the Christians and jailing them for 'revealing state secrets'... You can get life for that over there... almost as bad as here! Merry Balmy Christmas!!
GWB: I read a guy today who described Trump as a political Andromeda Strain - everything they do to kill him just increases his strength.
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