Saturday, August 10, 2019

Politics Explained in One Chart

I can find no flaw in this analysis.


Anonymous said...

You owe me a keyboard..

TSB said...

My apologies. But that really does make sense, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

TSB: Saturday humor: Trump drew over 12,000 supporters to his NH rally.
Joe Biden Drew Only 30 Supporters in New Hampshire During Trump Rally (Nobody has really caught fire yet for the Dems but it's still early. gwb)

Anonymous said...

TSB: GO Boris!! 1972 agreement no more! gwb

TSB said...

Boris - the most unlikely British PM ever; he is the descendant of an Ottoman Empire foreign minister and also had American citizenship - says they are out of the EU on October 31st. "We will take back control of our laws on Brexit Day."

Anonymous said...

TSB: Not that I'm a Biden Supporter but I probably tell myself this a couple times a week. "I'm Not Going Nuts": Biden Swears He's Sane Amid Senior Moments And Gaffes Galore
Someone should ask him who his second choice would be among all the fine Democrat candidates? Or what his favorite Bible verse is? Or at what point did he realize that Nixon was a crook? gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB: Bernie decides to get a little brain damage just to give Biden a fair chance! Watch next week as he takes on AOC and the Squad all at once! gwb

TSB said...

That speedbag thing was just Bernie demonstrating what happens to waiters and fast food workers when you raise the minimum wage to $15.