Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Help Me, Help Me, Aaron Sorking, You're My Only Hope!"

The present moment calls for the fastest-talking re-write man in the business, if Hillary is going to make a convincing case at the Democratic nominating convention next month. 

By an amazing coincidence, that man has a piece in the NYT today.  

Sure, she and Bill immediately made a ritual endorsement of Kamala right after the Biden news broke, but NEVER count the Lady Macbeth of Little Rock out, not when political death is on the line. 

Get a preview of how she might handle the opportunity Joe Biden just handed her here: what would happen in The West Wing's parallel universe?


James said...

I listened to Netanyahu's speech. It was a barn burner.

TSB said...

It burned me that most of our political leadership avoided being there.

James said...

They will wish they had been.