Sunday, August 18, 2024

Britain's Future Looks Fabulous Under PM Starmer, But Only If You're Into Glitter

The Britain's Future branding raises this pathetic incident to the level of comedy, which is a great improvement over what it would be otherwise, such as 'unbelievable security failure' or 'PM's girly-man reaction to personal assault.'

Not auspicious, to say the least. The UK's top security detail allowed a protestor onto the stage with Starmer and then stood by stunned for ten long seconds while - better, whilst - the loony deployed an IGB (Improvised Glitter Bomb) on their protectee and then held hands with a clearly non-consenting Starmer.

It's hard to say which offense is the worse in today's UK: the exuberant public speech or the unwanted physical intimacy.

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