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Comfortably numb? |
"Man who calls police to say he’s ‘too high’ found in pile of Doritos" - Fox 8 Ohio
Police arrived at the 22-year-old man's home at approximately 5:20 p.m, according to WJW.
There, they found him on the floor "in a fetal position," surrounded by, "a plethora of Doritos, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and Chips Ahoy cookies."
According to a police report, the man told the officer that he couldn't feel his hands because he smoked too much weed.
Gee TSB: There is $500 million saved. Now to defund the $500 million for Planed Parenthood body parts. Then maybe we can defund some of the DOD propaganda programs to defeat ISIS and maybe pay some reparations to doctors without borders. And maybe can Gen. John Campbell and his 'lilly pad bases plan' in Ghanistan. gwb
TSB: The California women are really slapping Gen Campbell around led by Loretta Sanchez who's son is just now joining the Army. She's not using baby talk today: You have no plan, things aren't getting better, we have no money and you want us to keep paying this Army of Ghani you say may not be viable. I've heard it all for 14 years!
Loretta will probably be Sec Def if Hillary wins. If Trump wins she will probably be in charge of slimming the Pentagon down to size. gwb
"surrounded by, "a plethora of Doritos, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and Chips Ahoy cookies."" I don't get the problem. Now if he had Blue Bell ice cream and some "Screaming Yellow Zonkers" 911 would have been quite unnecessary.
James: I know what you mean. That kid was such a lightweight.
But guys.. Who is that on the music? gwb
TSB: We are getting closer...In the words of Bush III, "Hey, its a war. Stuff happens! It's an A360 Howitzer.. a fine weapon. They hit the target. Wrong target. We don't do torture and we don't do war crimes. Besides, the Taliban target hospitals all the time." And remember, there have been no Taliban attacks in the US thanks to our brave special forces in Afghanistan." (How was my energy?) gwb
The music is Pink Floyd, "Comfortably Numb."
I read the link. The most telling thing in it was the statement that the Brigadier assigned to the investigation was 48hrs late to the scene because of "instability" as per unnamed sources. That's a great euphemism for sh*t's all f**ked up and very hairy.
TSB: I don't often watch soccer, but when I do I prefer Mexico beating the USA 3-2 in the Rose Bowl.
Leadership is a coach who volunteers to coach only 4 games (1yr) for free and turns a team into a winner... then goes home!
TSB: Thanks for the Pink Floyd. Re: Syria. It looks like Obama's strategy now is: "I sure hope nobody gets hurt." gwb
GWB: That strategy is one I can endorse.
TSB: I have been reading a new greatest book on the long ME war: No Good Men Among The Living-Anand Gopal.
This is the 1st time I've read the story of how Karzai escaped from the Taliban with 4 special forces guys and was installed as 'our guy' in Kabul. Gopal was there from 2008. I've spent 4 days getting to page 48. Much better than the drivel we've been fed for 14 years. gwb
GWB: I haven't read that one, but I know Karzai had a very close encounter with a misguided smart bomb in those days.
TSB: Yes, and moments later, with smoke and blood and dead and dying all around him he got a call from Europe on his sat phone congratulating him on being installed as President of Afghanistan.
(He actually came in second but US got them to change the results because they wanted a Pashtun)
3 US soldiers were killed and 5 of his own when they called an airstrike in on themselves fearing a Taliban attack that was not going to happen. The 2000 lb bomb landed a little too close for life. Maj.Amerine was the special forces guy-evacuated to Germany.
And moments after that he got a call the Taliban wanted to surrender to him personally. And that is how Mullah Omar got away.. riding off on an old Honda mc..think of all the money we spent trying to find him later. (And how many times did we kill him before we found out he had died of old age?) You will love this book TSB! gwb And today...US Paradrops 50 Tons Of Ammo To Syrian Rebels (Hope nobody gets hurt!)
TSB: I hear the 'PC Caucus' is having a forum in Vegas Tuesday. I think Hillary will have the edge because this will be the biggest crowd of her campaign so far! I hope Bernie lambastes all the money in the room. gwb
If I was in the Hillary camp, I'd be very nervous about this debate. I see very little chance for good things for Hillary. If she doesn't have what's perceived as a big victory, it'll probably be over for her. It should be easy for Bernie to score a lot of points. Of course the rumor is Biden making a surprise appearance to mark his entry in the race. The Media is desperate for anything to generate excitement for the Demo side, so watch it with that in mind.
TSB: Here is something Hillary could point to that shows how hard she was working as Secy of State! WikiLeaks:
US Government Plotted To Assassinate Bolivian President
Now for 'The Bern' to advocate not assassinating foreign leaders would be a brilliant move the latinos might applaud! gwb
TSB: If Bernie doesn't pick up the phone I'm gonna send this stuff to Donald! gwb
The U.S. Government Supplied ISIS’ Iconic Pickup Trucks
on 10/13/2015 10:56 -0400
U.S. counter-terror officials have launched an investigation into how ISIS got so many of those identical Toyota pickup trucks which they use in their convoys.
Affectionately known in Jihadi circles as Clinton-Continentals.
GWB: Did you read the 'smoking gun' in that Bolivian thing? The U.S. embassy planned how to respond to the possible overthrown of Evo Morales.
YesTSB! Pretty good stuff! gwb
TSB: I fell into a deep sleep with 45 min to go but the results are in:
1.Bernie 58 2. Webb 27 3.O,malley 7. Hillary 4,
The Drudge Poll... Hillary deserves a 'participation award' and maybe a Nobel Peace Prize! gwb
James:You nailed it on the Hillary Debate! It was a socialist love fest that ended up switching a lot of H voters to the Bern. With a $15 minimum wage and free stuff what could go wrong? gwb
WalMart Carnage: Stock Plummets Most In 17 Years After Slashing Earnings Guidance, Blames Wage Hikes (It might be time to sell Walmart, Bernie and Hillary)
Meanwhile, Carrier intrigue continues as Putin puts the clearly stated Clinton ME doctrine to the test: Russia Sends Its Only Aircraft Carrier To Syria, Signals It Is Just Getting Started
and this juicy rumor: When Russia fired cruise missiles from the Caspian, the aircraft carrier Theodore R. bugged out of the Persian gulf. Flat tops against the latest missile tech and subs are sitting ducks. (and with Wesley Clark on tv today pounding the table for Hillary's wisdom on foreign affairs you know it's almost time to get kinetic!) Where is that Chi-com carrier?
TSB: James: Bernie and Hillary have laid out there election platform and it's pretty much an old lunch counter proposal very popular with young people. gwb
TSB: The DEA says they almost had El Chapo last week in the Sierra Madre but he got away. They were closing in on him in the 'choppers' when he somehow escaped leaving only some clothes and some cell phones. Of course, since he 'Owns The Mexican Government' he is a little hard to sneak up on. I am anxious to see all the dead and wounded from the firefight on the ground in which the mexican marines claim el chapo was wounded in the face and leg..... Wait.. I'm being told their were no dead or wounded... just some cell phones and clothes. But someone on the ground did say: 'They went thataway!'!
TSB: Ooops! Colorado's biggest Obamacare coop just went broke.
It seems they forgot to tell everybody that if they didn't make a profit they would be liquidated and the big health insurers would swoop in to take their place. Taxpayers get to pay back the feds and it's expected insurance a will go up 60 perent next year.
But not to worry, Hillary has plan to fix all that! Details pending.
GWB: Bernie wants to replace ObamaCare ("move beyond it" he says) so I favor him over Hillary on that issue. Just read that new medical insurance enrollees number only about 250,000, while new Medicade enrollees are around 12-14 million. Also, two more non-profil insurance co-ops announced today that they are going out of business.
Me Too GWB: Today the US confirmed the Teddy Roosevelt is scampering out of the Persian Gulf, leaving no carriers there. And now this!
US Military Tank "Intrudes" Into Bombed 'Doctors Without Borders' Hospital, Destroys Potential Evidence
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/16/2015 - 15:10
If you’re the U.S. military and you killed 22 people while intentionally bombing a Doctors Without Border hospital in Afghanistan, what do you do next? First, you deny all requests for an independent investigation. Check. Second, you go to the scene of the war crime and destroy evidence. Check mate.
(Now.. go ahead and conduct your independent investigation!) gwb
TSB: History is not going to like these guys! (And look at Colon Powell happy to be at the table.) gwb It looks like the 'war party' is having a bit of a squabble over operation sandtrap. I hope the US media doesn't get hold of this.
Smoking gun emails reveal Blair's 'deal in blood' with George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started - despite claiming he wanted peace
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3277402/Smoking-gun-emails-reveal-Blair-s-deal-blood-George-Bush-Iraq-war-forged-YEAR-invasion-started.html#ixzz3otFuoE9A
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